Pricing - Only pay for what you use!

Our pricing is simple and reasonable!

$5 (USD) / user / month (billed yearly)

MAIA users on the paid plan get:
  • Speech-driven AI: Speak instead of typing prompts and questions
  • Unlimited access to AI capabilities
  • Premium email support
  • Year long access to a non-intrusive AI companion
  • Access to innovative ideas on how to use AI

To use MAIA you'll need an account with OpenAI. MAIA does this to provide AI straight from the source (OpenAI - creators of ChatGPT) and charges nothing off-the-top!

OpenAI will bill you for each request - be it summarization, idea generation, content creation etc. This charge is nominal, see below.

For just under 2 cents (USD), billed by OpenAI, you can:
  • Generate 11 1000-word blog posts; or
  • Summarise 11 1000-word blog posts
* Estimates as of October 2023 using the GPT 3.5 Turbo model. Please refer to Open AI's pricing for up-to-date pricing.

The beauty of the pay-as-you-go model is that you're only charged when you use MAIA. You are in complete control!

If you are on a holiday and do not use MAIA during this period, you will not incur any charges. 😊

Please note that we don't have any control OpenAI's pricing. Please refer to their official pricing page for more details.

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